Professor Morlock's Daughter

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The most famous entrance in the history of the"Morlock" franchise, from "Professor Morlock's Daughter."

After spending the first four films as Morlock's helpless victim, Amanda Globe (Amy Ball) returns to earth after acquiring super powers on an alien planet by blasting through the wall of the professor's asylum laboratory, hell-bent on revenge.

Tensions could run high between “Professor Morlock” stars Jesse Merlin and Mara Marini.

When Marini won her second Best Actress Oscar for the film remake of “Camille” shortly after the premiere of "Professor Morlock's Daughter," the Academy made a tactical error of having Merlin and Jonny M. present her the award. Jonny was clearly delighted but Merlin spent the entire speech standing to the side of the stage with his personal assistant, mocking the choice.

When Merlin's name was announced as a nominee for Best Actor for "The Curse of Professor Morlock" at the following year's ceremony, Marini could be seen flipping the bird from the audience while seated next to her longtime companion, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.